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Apr 28, 2009

Coming up this weekend: two of the largest meetings in Latin America

On a couple of day begins two of the largest meetings in Latin America: the state of Sao Paulo meeting of Cardiology and Radiology (officially known as Congresso Socesp and Jornada Paulista de Radiologia - JPR). Both will have more than 5000 physicians each with different focuses on CMR: the meeting for cardiologists with a more clinically oriented focus, with topics spread on the whole program; the radiology meeting with a more technical focus and a larger commercial display of equipment and software. Unfortunately, they will take place on the same dates and will be on opposite sides of the town. Luckily, however, we will have cardiologists and radiologists speakers at both meetings, sharing different views on the same subject.

We hope that this joined forces will be continue on the future and show that the CMR field can only progress with cooperation from each side as well as from other specialties.

Very good meetings to all!

NSF Review on JACC

Read what other cardiologists will ask you about:

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapy

Functional versus Anatomic Evaluation for CAD

The debate continues as MRA still tries to catch up with CTA regarding anatomic evaluation of the coronary arteries. At the same time CT is slowly moving into perfusion analysis. The one-stop-shop title is still up for grabs. Read more about this debate on Circulation Imaging:

Noninvasive Diagnosis and Prognosis Assessment in Chronic Coronary Artery Disease: Stress Testing With and Without Imaging Perspective
Raymond J. Gibbons
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2008;1:257-269, doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.108.823286

Noninvasive Diagnostic and Prognostic Assessment of Individuals With Suspected Coronary Artery Disease: Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography Perspective
James K. Min and Leslee J. Shaw
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2008;1:270-281, doi:10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.108.823807

Apr 21, 2009

Why be in doubt with anatomical intermediate lesions? Use CMR.

The debate over anatomic versus functional significance of a coronary lesion is far from over but a really tough problem is posed when we have intermediate lesions. This paper by Doesch et al in JACC imaging uses stress perfusion CMR to deal with this dilemma.

Risk Stratification by Adenosine Stress Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Patients With Coronary Artery Stenoses of Intermediate Angiographic Severity


3rd SCMR-LAC Meeting - Monterrey - Mexico

The 3rd SCMR-LAC Meeting will take place on August 20th, in Monterrey, Mexico hosted by Hospital San Jose - Tec de Monterrey U. Cardiac and Vascular Diseases Institute. Dr. Erasmo Delapena will be the chair for this edition of the meeting.

Please stay tuned for more information very soon.


Apr 15, 2009


Una entidad que muchas veces olvidamos que existe y que causa importantes cambios funcionales cardiacos. No solo es cuantificar el grado de no compactación del miocardio, si no también determinar parámetros funcionales que ayudaran al Cardiólogo clínico al manejo adecuado del paciente.
Cuantificación de la función, perfusión y realce tardío del ventrículo izquierdo no compactado mediante resonancia magnética
Por P Calvillo a, L Martí-Bonmatí b, F Chaustre b, I Roldán c, V Mora c, A Peláez c, J Cogollos a, J Ballestín a
a Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Valencia, España
b Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Valencia, España. Servicio de Radiología, Hospital Quirón, Valencia, España
c Servicio de Cardiología, Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Valencia, España
Objetivo: el ventrículo izquierdo no compactado es una alteración congénita que se caracteriza por un miocardio organizado en dos capas, no compactada y compactada. Nuestro objetivo es cuantificar mediante resonancia magnética (RM) la función, perfusión y realce tardío miocárdico en estos pacientes y compararlos con una población normal.
Material y métodos: se incluyó a 12 pacientes con una ratio no compactación/compactación miocárdica > 2,3 en telediástole en, al menos, un segmento distinto del apical, y 12 sujetos sanos con edad y sexo similares. Se calcularon los volúmenes telediastólico y telesistólico, volumen latido, fracción de eyección, gasto cardíaco, volumen y masa del miocardio, espesor telediastólico, engrosamiento y movimiento miocárdico del ventrículo izquierdo. De los estudios de perfusión se obtuvieron la pendiente ascendente máxima, la pendiente ascendente máxima relativa, el tiempo al valor máximo, el realce máximo relativo y el realce acumulado por segmentos, y de las imágenes de realce tardío, el volumen y el porcentaje de miocardio con hiperrealce. Las medidas se compararon con la prueba de la t de Student.
Resultados: se observó un aumento estadísticamente significativo de los volúmenes telediastólico y telesistólico en el ventrículo izquierdo no compactado, con disminución de la fracción de eyección, el movimiento miocárdico y la pendiente ascendente máxima relativa de los segmentos 4, 9 y 10. No se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en el hiperrealce tardío.
Conclusión: la cuantificación con RM revela en estos pacientes una disminución de la función sistólica cardíaca y de la perfusión en segmentos inferiores (menor pendiente ascendente máxima relativa).

Radiologia (Madr). 2009;51:45-56.
Palabras clave: Ventrículo izquierdo; Miocardiopatía; Perfusión; Resonancia magnética nuclear.

Apr 8, 2009

Review article in NEJM highlights the use CMR in myocarditis

A must-read review in NEJM for myocarditis highlights the use of CMR as one of the most suitable tools for the diagnosis of the disease:


Apr 7, 2009

Atrial Fibrillation: expanding the use of CMR

The use of CMR pre and post atrial fibrillation ablation is rapidly expanding. The recent indication for DE-CMR is not yet fully implemented but should reach the clinical scenario very soon. Read more on this recent article published on Circulation:

Detection and Quantification of Left Atrial Structural Remodeling With Delayed-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation by
Robert S. Oakes et al


Apr 3, 2009

How should you report a CMR exam?

Just published in JCMR - guidelines of the SCMR for reporting CMR exams - free access below:


Free Ischemia Presentation - BSCMR 2009

Click on the following link for a very interesting talk by Dr. Mark Westwood from London - provided free from the SCMR site ( - delivered on BSCMR 2009.

This links very well to our poll of what is the best ischemia/perfusion strategy.
